I use a variety of products of services in my personal health and wellness practice. Many I've liked so much that I've added them to my practice to share with others. There is so much out there to choose from. Maybe one or more of these would work for you. I'm also a big fan of having multiple streams of income (healthy finances), especially doing things that fulfill different passions. Please ask me about any of these and/or click on the picture for the website. I would love to help in any way I can!

I started using crystal beads to make jewelry around 2006 as hobby while my husband was deployed. It was a great creative outlet for me. Now that I've studied more about the energetic nature of all things from Earth, I have a greater appreciation for the beautiful stones I use. I prefer custom pieces but will have a variety of pieces here for sale soon. I meditate on what elements to use and how to arrange them. They are Reiki, solar, lunar, pyramid charged and Ho'oponopono intended to cleanse and amplify their frequency to better work with you. If you're interested in a custom piece, I'd love to create something unique and special for you.

I've been using essential oils since 2012 for just about everything you can think of. Why not utilize plants to help ourselves heal? There's also non toxic cleaning too! I also use their make up, hair and skin care products as well. Since I also love a discount and free products, I signed up as an independent distributor right away. Here is my ID# 1450071.

I also started using some Plexus products in 2016. I like the products that help my gut. I have multiple food allergy/sensitivities and the MTHFR gene mutation so need my supplements to be methylated and these are! Again, I like a discount and helping other small business owners so am also an independent consultant.

I love teaching in general. I really fell in love with teaching in Japan. I had the amazing opportunity to teach English at several schools around the Tokyo area. It changed my life. I personally didn't feel like teaching stateside in a traditional brick and mortar school was the right fit for me. I found VIPKid back in 2016 and haven't looked back. I am also a mock class mentor and help coach potential teachers with the company. I absolutely love my students and the flexibility of this position. It fit right into my wellness business and fulfills my passion for teaching children. We are always looking for qualified teachers. You need at least a bachelor's degree and one year's experience working with children. We do get a referral bonus for successful hires so that's an additional opportunity to earn.